Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Spiritual Psychologist from Maui Explains Origin of 'Prayer Guided Psychotherapy'

Spirit of Happiness Counseling
Dr. Julianne Hanson Psychologist-Chaplain-Intuitive
Aloha from Maui, Hawaii!

When I needed emotional support and wanted a counselor, I looked for an experienced, credentialed professional who had a spiritual orientation to their work.  I was in Southern California at the time, and thought there would be many such individuals from which to choose.
The counselors I found fell largely into two groups--either traditionally trained therapists who viewed spiritual experience as a symptom, or alternative practitioners who lacked the training to guide anyone through a difficult psychological  passage. With the first group, the traditionalists, I could count on standardized treatment plans and professional ethics, but not an understanding of my spiritual needs.  The alternative group offered a variety of intriguing healing modalities that acknowledged my spiritual practice.  However, they had no clinical experience with psychological disorders and would not have recognized the need for a treatment different from their own. 
I found a few licensed therapists who described themselves as spiritual--and who stated they were open to talking about their clients' religious beliefs if the client brought it up.  None of them felt it was appropriate to actually counsel clients on the impact or practice of their beliefs.
Then there were the counselors affiliated with a particular religion or church.  These therapists would prescribe the group's scriptures and offer clients their group's interpretation of the beliefs required for peace
of mind.
All these individuals appeared well-intentioned.  Yet, I didn't feel any of them were offering the depth of understanding I was seeking. 
My insurance didn't cover any of the more 'spiritual' licensed therapists--I decided to try the psychologist referred by my HMO.   Being a doctoral student in psychology, I told this attractive woman my diagnosis,  'Situational Disorder w/mixed emotional features.'  The lady was outraged and pointed out that I was the patient, she was the therapist and would determine what was wrong with me.  I did not return. 
Happily, a couple of colleagues supported me through this challenging time. 
When I was able to meditate on the entire adventure of finding the right therapist, I resolved to become the kind of counselor for whom I had been searching.
In my next post, I will explain the philosophy of  'Prayer Guided Psychotherapy,' the basic components a client would encounter, and my own orientation to the work.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Spiritual Psychologist from Maui Offers Advice for Happy Relationships

Dr. Julianne Hanson: Psychologist-Chaplain-Intuitive - "Ask Dr. Julianne" - Aloha from Maui, Hawaii!

Welcome to my blog.  I am happy and grateful to be sharing my heart with you.
The years I have lived on the beautiful island of Maui have been a kind of retreat.  I have had the gift of time--to go within, to explore my consciousness, challenge my beliefs, experiment with different points of view.  Most importantly, my years in the Land of Aloha have inspired a deeper relationship with my dearest friend, the Holy Spirit.  Whatever name we give to the Divine Presence, I believe the sweet experience of sacred love is shared by us all. 
It is easy to feel a loving connection to life in Hawaii--trade winds carry a soft scent of flowers that caresses each breath.  Days on end of blue skies and even bluer ocean waves can comfortingly mesmerize.
And yet, for those of us who live here, life as a spiritual being having a human experience has the requirements of life everywhere.
We must find ourselves, find our friends, find our faith and our purpose.  When we look for satisfying results of our searching, the best evidence we have of life well lived are happy relationships--whether the relationship is with ourselves, our family, friends, colleagues, our lover or mate, or with our God.
I am both humbled and excited about inviting you along on my own adventure in creating happy relationships.  Perhaps my lessons will spare you some heartbreak, comfort or encourage you, even bring you laughter or inspiration.
There are many questions I am asked in my roles of psychologist, chaplain and intuitive.  I will do my best to answer some of these as the Spirit guides me.   This blog may evolve into, "Ask Dr. Julianne," or such a column might be added to the website--we will see what the future holds. 
Thank you for visiting me.  God bless you in creating the happy relationships of your dreams.  I so look forward to knowing you better.
Love and blessings,
Dr. Julianne