Sunday, February 3, 2013

Introducing Online Series - WE AWAKEN

Julianne Hanson, Ph.D., Transpersonal Psychologist, Spiritual Teacher

ALOHA  from Maui, Hawaii, Dear Ones!  It’s wonderful to be with you again! I’ve been deeply focused on the study and practice of integral/evolutionary spirituality. While the call of traditional enlightenment is an expansive peace and silence, the call of evolutionary enlightenment is an, “ecstatic urgency.” That urgency has become so prevalent in my consciousness, I’ve realized the time to start teaching more publicly, is now.

I’m thrilled to announce that my online series, “WE  AWAKEN,” will be available soon. The series offers progressive lessons that explore how evolving consciousness in the 21st century can lead us to a more sacred, authentic, deeply connected life. The first class in the series is, “Exploring WE.” My special bonus for the first 20 participants are personal counseling sessions that reveal, and shift, ego patterns, to quicken awakening. A free webinar, “The New Enlightenment – How WE Awaken,” introducing the series, will be offered the second week of February, 2013.

This moment is precious to me. All life experience has been evolving my consciousness to a place where I can begin to actively contribute to conscious evolution in the world.

The evolutionary spirituality movement  represents a new awareness for most of us, a different way of looking at science’s greatest discovery. My current favorite quote about the spiritual view of the evolutionary process is from Marc Gafni, “Evolution is not the enemy of the mystery–evolution is the mechanism of the mystery.”

Oneness with the eternal, timeless, changeless ground of being has been the goal of traditional enlightenment. Through some miracle of hydrogen molecules plus divine grace, spirit came into form. We are That, manifestations of the active face of God, becoming, evolving, moving forward towards the greatest good.

The new enlightenment, evolutionary enlightenment, seeks to align us with that active face of God, as souls, becoming.

The evolutionary perspective is powerfully transformative. It means our lives are not fixed, that our awareness is a process, fluid, changing. We live in a field of infinite possibility. Our illusion is not that life on earth is separate from the glories of heaven. Our illusion is that both heaven and earth are solid, that we are things, living in one place or another.

We are a process, alive as, within, a process that is both eternal and evolving! We are in this process, together, deeply interconnected beyond our prior imagination. The essence, the fabric of that process is sacred love.

When we come together in this awareness, we have access to a higher, deeper wisdom that arises between, inside of, each other. We can wake up, together. In this, “We Space,” we can wake up more easily, more quickly, and more reliably, than we ever could by practicing alone.

This is the experience I want to share with you in my new online series, “WE AWAKEN.”

The free introductory webinar, “The New Enlightenment – How We Awaken,” will be available next week. Many amazing souls are excited to participate. I so hope you’ll join us!

Love and blessings,

Dr. Julianne

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Ask Dr. Julianne-Evolving Love

Dr. Julianne Hanson
Transpersonal Psychologist-Chaplain-Intuitive
Maui Spiritual Counseling

Aloha from Maui, Hawaii!

Aloha Dear Ones,

How wonderful to be back with you. I’ve taken time off to learn more of what I need to understand about the heart of love. It’s hard to know where to begin, at what point to bring you into my process of discovery.

I’ve just returned from a Lutheran Church in South Maui, where I attended their Good Friday service. Good Friday is part of Christian Holy Week, retelling the story of Christ’s last days, his death, followed by the celebration of his resurrection on Easter Sunday.

I went back to the Lutheran religion of my childhood tonight, because my beloved Unity Church doesn’t have a Good Friday service.

My former minister, Rev. Mary Omwake, told me that a group of Unity leaders once asked Matthew Fox, revolutionary theologian and defrocked Catholic (now an Episcopalian priest), for his opinion on Unity’s teachings. Matthew Fox’s analysis was that Unity reflected his understanding of the light, really had the positive truth, but that, “new thought,” churches, in general, didn’t know what to do with the dark.

Thus, no Unity service on Jesus’s crucifixion. This is a broad and deep issue for another post. Unity will indeed have a beautiful Easter service. I will be on duty as a chaplain, available to pray with anyone at the program’s close. If you are here on Maui, please come and say aloha on Sunday morning.

What touched me most at the Lutheran Church tonight was how profoundly interconnected I felt with everyone. It felt like my heart was beating in time with each heart, with the heart of the congregation. Amongst the Lutheran regulars, there’s probably a range of beliefs, from fundamentalist to very progressive (this is tolerant Maui, after all). The more conservative members would take issue with my belief that all paths lead to God, perhaps even with my identifying as a Christian.

Yet, what I heard, what I participated in with my Lutheran brothers and sisters this Good Friday, along with being deeply moving, seemed to come from an evolving, more integral perspective. The service focused on the 14 Stations of the Cross, each moments in Christ’s walk, bearing a heavy wooden cross, towards the site of his execution.

The liturgy, the language of each Station, was written in a way that evoked a deep resonance with Jesus as a man, fully human, as well as fully divine–a man who was so surrendered to the Divine, who so fully embodied God’s love, that he was willing to give his life for, as, that love. We were asked how we would have responded, had we been on that walk with the crowd following Jesus to his death. When Jesus fell the second time, under the weight of the cross, would we help him carry it, as did Simon? When, for the third time, Jesus fell, would we have tenderly wiped his brow, as did the woman who pushed through the soldiers to reach him?

We were charged with considering how we show up for God’s love, now, in this life. Can we become so aligned with Divine right action, that, like Christ, we always say, “Not my will, but Thine?” Can our identity shift from an individual self, separate from each other, separate from God, to one inter-related whole, responsible for acting as God’s only hands, only voice, on earth? Can we, like Christ, choose to act as God’s love, no matter what the cost?

Yes, I’m paraphrasing, through the evolutionary, integral lens of consciousness. But tonight, as I sat with my spiritual family (I was going to say extended family, but it conveys something one step removed, which was not the reality), the love in our hearts was separated neither by language, nor by dogma. I saw the tears shed by all, and all saw mine. I felt the love of all–and all felt mine. Together, we experienced a quickening (evolutionary impulse/Holy Spirit) of our commitment to show up as God’s love on earth.

Dear ones, we cannot wait for God’s love to be revealed to us. We need to act as God’s love for each other, now, with courage, with humility, through our sorrows and our joys.

Love and blessings,

Dr. Julianne

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Tags: chaplain, Christ, consciousness, counseling, Easter, enlightenment, evolutionary community, evolutionary enlightenment, evolutionary impulse, evolutionary relationship, evolutionary spirituality, finding a spiritual psychologist, God, Good Friday, Hawaii, Holy Spirit, integral, integral enlightenment, integral spirituality, Jesus, Julianne Hanson, love, Lutheran Church, Mary Omwake, Matthew Fox, Maui, phone counseling, Prayer, Psychology, psychotherapy, relationship counseling, Spiritual Counseling, spiritual psychologist, spiritual psychotherapy, spiritual relationship, spirituality, transpersonal psychologist, Unity, Unity Church

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Ask Dr. Julianne

Dr. Julianne Hanson
Transpersonal Psychologist-Chaplain-Intuitive
Maui Spiritual Counseling

Aloha from Maui, Hawaii!

It’s good to be with you again. I’ve been doing a lot of reflection this past week. There are many challenges in my life right now. I’m determined to see those challenges in the light of the evolutionary perspective I’ve been studying.

Sometimes challenges seem to come all at once. Our tendency is to view these challenges the ways we always have, or the ways in which we have been taught. We round up the usual stories, tell them first to ourselves, and then repeat our stories to anyone who has the patience or kindness to listen. We remember all the details of how these challenges showed up in our lives in the past, and pour over these unpleasant details, one by one.

We develop amazingly creative ways to reinforce our previous experience of the challenge at hand. Some of us, with a highly developed visual skill, even learn how to project a movie of our past traumas and dramas onto our conscious minds,  and watch it play, over and over again. In our mind’s eye, we watch the challenge take shape, we see our ineffective response, and we safely and surely predict the unhappy result. I say, “safely,” because no matter how awful the result, there is a certain false comfort in the familiar.

If we cling to the false safety of the familiar, we are doomed to experience our current challenge as leading to the same negative result, or, to a situation even more heartbreaking. How can we break out of the familiar cycle of repeating our mistakes? How can we break free of our past conditioning?

We can start by being willing to examine our beliefs about our situation. If the choices we have been making have been consistently leading to unhappy results, then there is something wrong with the story we have been telling ourselves. We are not seeing clearly.

So, we allow ourselves to be curious about the challenge we are facing. Instead of falling back on an old story, we admit that we don’t understand the truth of our situation. We cultivate an attitude of not knowing, but wanting to know. As both the integralists and the evolutionaries might say, we enter into a process of inquiry. We hold even our most cherished beliefs around the issue lightly, leaving room for new information. We open ourselves to feedback from life. We begin to make choices based on this new information, not based on our conditioned patterns.

It takes courage to be open to the truth of life. But the good news is that the evolutionary impulse, the innate creative power unfolding all of life is very much on our side once we start on the path of the good, the true, the beautiful, and the holy. The evolutionary impulse, which to me is the Holy Spirit, is actually calling us to that sacred path.

In being willing to see our challenges with beginner’s mind, to become curious about them, to admit that we don’t understand everything and to desire to learn more, we open the door to a deeper wisdom. By making different choices based on the new truth life shows us, we come into closer alignment with the holy impulse moving all life forward. From that place, all goods things are possible.

Love and blessings,

Dr. Julianne

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Tags: beginner's mind, chaplain, consciousness, enlightenment, evolutionary impulse, evolutionary enlightenment, evolutionary relationship, evolutionary spirituality, finding a spiritual psychologist, God, Hawaii, Holy Spirit, integral, integral enlightenment, integral spirituality, intuitive, Julianne Hanson, Maui, overcoming challenges, phone counseling, Prayer, Psychology, Relationship Advice, relationship counseling, Skype counseling, Spiritual Counseling, spiritual psychologist, spiritual psychotherapy, spirituality, transpersonal psychologist, Unity

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Ask Dr. Julianne

Dr. Julianne Hanson
Transpersonal Psychologist-Chaplain-Intuitive
Maui Spiritual Counseling

Aloha from Maui, Hawaii!

Aloha Dear Ones,

I want to speak with you in a very personal way about my shift in motivation.

In previous posts, I’ve introduced the concept of awakened motivation, or motivation that has shifted from a preoccupation with individual needs and preferences, to a motivation to act for the greatest good. This can sound quite lofty and abstract. All too often, we hear a noble idea and have an inner resonance with its truth. We believe our lives would be better if we could live that truth, but we have no clue how to change, or even what the change might look like.

The best way I can imagine to give you a practical look into evolving your motivation to live a more meaningful life with more real and satisfying relationships, is to share some of my own struggles with you.

Today was challenging  for me. My physical energy was low, my brain foggy. Meditation was fraught with circular, negative thoughts. An invitation for which I was hoping did not come. A project on which I have been collaborating and in which I’ve invested a great deal of time may not go forward. I feel some fear and self-doubt around these things. Most disturbingly, I had to write a letter to an old friend, holding them responsible for behavior out of integrity, for actions injurious to me. I provided evidence of a truth they have long denied. This needed to be done, but the reality check may end the friendship. I feel both angry and sad.

It’s human nature to feel sad, scared, to create a story of victimization, when things don’t go our way, when we feel let down by another. Spiritual development can lessen our attachment to negative thoughts and feelings. We coach ourselves to see the bigger picture, to identify with a grander compassion. Sometimes, if our practice takes a confused turn, we learn to distance ourselves from realities that offer us the very information we need to heal and grow. Some people far along the path of consciousness find themselves needing a therapist to tell them how important it is to get back in touch with their feelings.

On one hand, we can’t allow ourselves to be at the mercy of our thoughts and feelings, or be defined by them. Yet, we need to tell the truth about our experiences to be authentic and fully alive. What do we do when our truth is painful, when what we want to do is run and hide, when the last thing we feel like doing is keeping our commitments, to ourselves or anyone else?

If we have had glimpses, openings about the truth of our nature, about our inter-relatedness as spirit in form, if we have allowed an awareness of our essential unity to become more real than our illusory separateness, an answer emerges. We show up, feeling how we feel, and do the right thing. More than an answer, we experience a call, a deep shift in our motivation for action. We feel how we feel. We may need more or less time to sort through it. Nothing about that keeps us from honoring our commitment to life.

Whatever the story of our experience is, life still needs us. We may not be feeling the strength, we may not have the courage to boldly go forward for ourselves alone. But we are not alone. We have an emerging identity as the breath that breathes those around us. Our motivation is no longer bound up in our own benefit. Our motivation is the well being of our family, our community, our world. Because they are counting on me, as a crucial part of their own hearts, I can do what I need to do.

Today, I felt scared, angry, sad. I had reason to experience those feelings. Some of the situations will take a while to resolve. I’m still responsible to life. Knowing that I’m going to keep my commitment to you, my readers, makes my heart lighter. Being able to trust that I’ll show up for chaplain duty tomorrow morning, at Unity’s Sunday service, releases me from being defined by my challenges. Sunday night, my core motivation will be facilitating my spiritual practice circle.

I won’t do these things because I have to do them. I certainly won’t be doing them as a perfect human, free of doubts or personal issues. In all my imperfection, I will do these right things because I am only alive in you. We are God’s only hands. Our motivation is shifting to That.

Love and blessings,

Dr. Julianne

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Tags: chaplain, consciousness, enlightenment, evolutionary community, evolutionary enlightenment, evolutionary impulse, evolutionary relationship, evolutionary spirituality, God, Hawaii, integral enlightenment, integral spirituality, intuitive, Julianne Hanson, Maui, motivation, phone counseling, Prayer, Psychology, psychotherapy, Relationship Advice, relationship counseling, Skype counseling, Spiritual Counseling, spiritual psychologist, spiritual psychotherapy, spiritual relationship, spirituality, transpersonal psychologist, Unity

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ask Dr. Julianne

Dr. Julianne Hanson
Transpersonal Psychologist-Chaplain-Intuitive
Maui Spiritual Counseling

Aloha from Maui, Hawaii!

Aloha Dear Ones,

Just received a, “talking to,” from one of my dearest friends. This friend was amazed that even when specifically asked how someone could improve their relationships skills, I didn’t include my own counseling services in the list of referrals. My friend understands that my counseling is how I pay the bills, and, perhaps they would like me to take them to lunch more often:).

So, here is my offer to you. If you would like to have a session with me, please go to and click on the, “Session Request,” page. Many of my sessions are done via phone or Skype, so I’m able to have clients from around our beautiful world. Just include in your message on the, “Session Request,” page that you are responding to the offer in my blog. I will give you the same lower price usually given only to Hawaii residents, until the end of February, 2/29/12. The discount is about 15%, so please take me up on this offer now. I would be honored to be of service to you.

O.K. Had to gently talk myself through that advertisement. It’s easier for me to promote other teachers. I need to focus on the benefits my clients say they receive from our time together–perhaps that will reduce feeling self-conscious and focus my attention where it needs to be, on showing up with you.

Now can I go ahead and give another recommendation about which I’m very excited? Good:). The teacher with whom I’ve been studying evolutionary spirituality for the past two years, Craig Hamilton, is giving a free meditation this next Sunday, 1/29/12. Here is part of the notice I received today:

“Our next free, ‘Meditation for Evolutionaries,’ event will take place this Sunday, January 29th, at 8:00 AM Pacific Standard Time.

This event is a free monthly meditation gathering of more than 1,000 participants from around the world, hosted by Integral Enlightenment founder Craig Hamilton.

This 90-minute event will begin with a brief talk about meditation, followed by a 45-minute guided meditation and a 30-minute Q&A session during which you can ask your questions about meditation and receive direct guidance from Craig.

If you would like to invite family and friends to the meditation, please share the link:”

I passionately encourage you to attend this live, on-line meditation, with one the the leading teachers of evolutionary spirituality/enlightenment. My experience with Craig Hamilton has been truly transformative.

For the past two years, I’ve been part of an intentional on-line community created by Craig, the Evolutionary Life Transformation Program (ELTP). It has been both deeply challenging and inspiring. ELTP does not promote a specific religion or dogma. The teachings offer a path to becoming fully alive and purposeful in how we embody the evolutionary impulse that is urging humanity towards the good, the true, the beautiful, and the holy.

The sweetest part of my experience with evolutionary spirituality has been connecting with the dear souls who’ve come together to explore our essential inter-relatedness. The focus of this practice is waking up together in our relationships, communities, and our world. I hope you will share in this sacred process. Joining Sunday’s meditation would be a wonderful first step for anyone feeling a call to explore the evolutionary perspective.

Love and blessings,

Dr. Julianne

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Tags: chaplain, consciousness, counseling, Craig Hamilton, enlightenment, evolutionary community, evolutionary enlightenment, evolutionary impulse, evolutionary relationship, evolutionary spirituality, finding a spiritual psychologist, God, Hawaii, integral enlightenment, integral spirituality, Intuition, Julianne Hanson, love, Maui, meditation, phone counseling, Prayer, Psychology, psychotherapy, Relationship Advice, relationship counseling, Skype counseling, Spiritual Counseling, spiritual psychologist, spiritual psychotherapy, spirituality, transpersonal psychologist, Unity

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ask Dr. Julianne

Dr. Julianne Hanson
Transpersonal Psychologist-Chaplain-Intuitive
Maui Spiritual Counseling

Aloha from Maui, Hawaii!

Aloha Dear Ones,

A reader asked after viewing the last post, “So what do they do now,” meaning, how do the students described, one very experienced, one just beginning, take the next step in evolving their relationships?

There are many ways to develop/nurture an awareness of our natural inter-relatedness. Which pathway we choose depends on our personal preferences and depth of interest/commitment. I’ll continue to give the major references in integral and evolutionary spirituality that have been so transformative in my own experience, Craig Hamilton’s, Andrew Cohen’s, and Ken Wilber’s If you browse through those sites, something is sure to peak your interest, to invite you to explore deeper.

Perhaps Ken Wilber’s work provides the broadest historical, intellectual frame for integral/evolutionary thought. If you find yourself attracted to his approach, read his book, “Integral Spirituality,” published in 2006. There are many opportunities for students to engage in the various offerings on Andrew Cohen’s work,, presents opportunities to both study and practice the evolutionary perspective. His recently published book, “Evolutionary Enlightenment,” 2011, is an essential primer on evolutionary spirituality. Andrew’s book is thrillingly hopeful–I passionately recommend it to you.

Craig Hamilton’s ( focus has been on creating a virtual practice community, that meets twice a year for live retreats. The winter retreat was just last weekend, at Asilomar in Northern California. I’ve been studying with Craig for two years now, in his Evolutionary Life Transformation Program (ELTP). While his focus is on the practical integration of evolutionary principles into daily life, Craig also provides an intellectual foundation for evolutionary practice. My experience with him has been profoundly inspiring, and life altering. Students from all around the world, of different cultures, religions and ages have come together, committed to shifting their core identities from, “me,” to, “We,” awakening to the truth of our unity as Spirit in form.

So let’s go back to the two students from my previous post. The older, been-around-the-spiritual-block, seeker has firmly engrained beliefs, some, hard-earned wisdom, and some, continuing illusions. Short of a miraculous, bolt-of-lightening type of revelation (which can indeed occur, not often, but it can), he will need to courageously explore his conditioned patterns, be willing to challenge those patterns, and practice making very different choices. The best way to facilitate this process is by a commitment to sustained practice in an evolutionary community. We cannot evolve our relationships in solitary practice. How obvious this appears, and yet, many of us have been trying to do just that.

The younger student, just discovering the possibility of true communion with others, has many potential avenues of learning how to connect with greater depth. He can also dive into practice with an evolutionary community. The youngest members of Craig Hamilton’s ELTP continually amaze the rest of us with their insight and facility for evolving their relationships.

Our younger brother would benefit from joining any group dedicated to creating positive change together, whether that group has a spiritual, environmental, political, or artistic focus. His experiences would lead him to a higher, deeper exploration of our shared reality.

I want to give two references to teachings on evolutionary relationship that are more intuitively oriented. Some of us need a solid intellectual foundation from which to best open ourselves to an experiential awareness of that which is beyond the mind. The above teachers provide that, in a rich and liberating way. Some of us need to explore evolutionary relationship in a more intuitive, even sensory fashion, to stay engaged.

Thomas Huebl ( is a spiritual teacher from Austria who uses deep intuitive processes to cultivate, “the new We,” in societal transformation. Thomas facilitates an annual, “Celebrate Life Festival,” in Europe each summer, and is offering more workshops in the U.S. Patricia Albere’s site,, focuses on our relationships and ways of experiencing our divine inter-relatedness. Patricia was one of the first est facilitators, with Werner Erhart, at the beginning of the human potential movement in the 1970′s. (I did one process with her a couple weeks ago, she was very nice, and I’m pretty sure she would have let me go to the bathroom–est demanded a certain discipline, back in the day:).

It’s my honor and pleasure to learn from all these teachers. I’ll be sharing their perspectives, and my experience of their teachings, with you, as we continue on our path of evolving relationship, together. I hope you will allow the Holy Spirit, the evolutionary impulse, to guide you in your exploration, for the greatest good of us all.

Love and blessings,

Dr. Julianne

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Tags: Andrew Cohen, chaplain, consciousness, counseling, Craig Hamilton, enlightenment, est, evolutionary community, evolutionary enlightenment, evolutionary impulse, evolutionary relationship, evolutionary spirituality, finding a spiritual psychologist, God, Hawaii, integral, integral enlightenment, integral spirituality, intuitive, Julianne Hanson, Maui, Patricia Albere, phone counseling, Prayer, Psychology, psychotherapy, Relationship Advice, relationship counseling, Skype counseling, Spiritual Counseling, spiritual psychologist, spiritual psychotherapy, spirituality, Thomas Huebl, transpersonal psychologist, Unity, We space

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ask Dr. Julianne

Dr. Julianne Hanson
Transpersonal Psychologist-Chaplain-Intuitive
Maui Spiritual Counseling

Aloha from Maui, Hawaii!

Aloha Dear Ones,

Maui is a diverse island, and I tend to be in circles that include a wide range of cultures, religions, interests and ages.  Living close to many different types of  people has become a delightful norm for me.  I really don’t think I would feel as at home in a more homogenous community.

This week I had the fascinating experience of sharing some introductory material on evolutionary relationship with two very different students.

One man was in his late sixties, from Eastern Europe.  He began practicing Buddhism 30 years ago, and spent many years traveling and studying with teachers in Malaysia and Japan. He was a very sophisticated man, and an experienced seeker of truth.

This gentleman was familiar with the basic philosophical and metaphysical concepts that come forth in a discussion based on evolutionary spirituality. He interrupted me after five minutes, stating in a dismissive fashion, “There isn’t anything new in that–they’re just calling it something different.”  His cynicism seemed to prevent him from being able to consider anything from the, “beginner’s mind,” considered so important by many schools of Buddhist thought.  He spoke of feeling stuck in some key relationships, and didn’t see any way to move forward.

The second man was in his early twenties, a mix of local cultures, Hawaiian, Filipino, and Chinese.  His parents had not regularly practiced any religion when he was growing up, and he had not felt any particular call to explore spirituality on his own.  This young man was very forthright in sharing that he had never felt an emotionally intimate connection with another human being.  He was truly naive, without an understanding or experience of the quality of relationship possible between people.

I began to realize I was verbalizing integral concepts that must have sounded like a foreign language to this student.  Yet, words such as, “deeper, more real, authentic care, discovering how inter-related we truly are, waking up together,” resonate, on some level, with all souls.  I watched this young man’s face as I described the evolutionary impulse urging us to move forward into genuinely mutual, sacred relationship. His eyes filled with longing–I could tell he was seeing with the eye of the heart, hearing with the ear of the heart.

Which of these two students, both divine embodiments of Spirit in form, one with a lifetime of spiritual practice, determined to see the future through the lens of the past, one just learning of the possibility of feeling deeply connected with others and longing to feel more, do you think will have an easier time evolving their relationships?

It’s never too early, it’s never too late.  In this now moment, becoming, we can choose a more real life, a holy life, a life deeply connected to those with whom we share this earth.

Love and blessings,

Dr. Julianne

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Tags: chaplain, consciousness, counseling, enlightenment, evolutionary community, evolutionary enlightenment, evolutionary impulse, evolutionary relationship, evolutionary spirituality, God, Hawaii, integral, integral enlightenment, integral spirituality, intuitive, Julianne Hanson, love, Maui, phone counseling, Prayer, Psychology, psychotherapy, Relationship Advice, relationship counseling, Skype counseling, Spiritual Counseling, spiritual psychologist, spiritual psychotherapy, spiritual relationship, spirituality, transpersonal psychologist, Unity